Unlike most video production companies that require a staff of several people (Producer, Director, Camera Operators, Lighting Crew, Sound Engineers and Editors), CineBlade founder, Tripp, has perfected all of these skills over years of study and application.

Tripp’s various skills enable CineBlade clients – who couldn’t afford the typical $15,000-20,000 production costs from larger production companies – to receive the same high end professional video production value, for much less.

Where It Started

When the Internet was in it’s infancy, CineBlade founder, Tripp, saw potential for promoting a music group he was producing at the time.

After learning how to build a web site for his group, Tripp decided to start San Diego Web Design.

As new Web design clients sought to add photography, Tripp took it upon himself to improve his photographing skills to offer professional level photography as an added value service.

When download speeds were becoming quicker for most users, Tripp knew that video would some day be the most consumed method of choice for people learning about businesses.

Tripp took his knowledge from film and video school, plus audio engineering school and started offering video production services, which is now his main focus under the CineBlade Media brand.

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